Saturday 18 May 2013

Love vs Like

I recently bought a book on disciplining children between the ages 2 and 12 called "1-2-3 Magic" because I am finding it a challenge to raise my son who is going through the "terrible twos". Actually it started way before he hit 2. Anyway, I have read only 1/3 of the book but I found some very useful information and insights into how to discipline children with real life examples which I can identify with. I do not think Josiah is very different from other children his age. Sure, mealtimes are always a battle and he does the opposite of what he is told but aren't all boys like that?
One of the things discussed in the book which got me thinking is do we love and like our children? Of course we love our children. A mother and child's bond is one of the most intimate and begins from the time the child is conceived in the mother's womb. But do we necessarily like our children? Do we always enjoy their company? Does the screaming, yelling and crying get to us sometimes? Do we look forward to a break from them for a couple of days? I know I need a break. In fact I wish I could just take flight and journey to a faraway land and leave all my cares and worries behind. I feel as though I am onboard the Titanic and all the weight is pulling me downwards and I fear that I am sinking deeper and deeper until I take my final breath.    

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