Tuesday 10 March 2015

Sophie's almost 2!

I have been guilty of neglecting this blog.
Sophie will be 2 next month and I am hard-pressed to make an entry here. After all, the last post was about 5 months ago.
Sophie is still the same picky or finicky (as the paed puts it) eater as she has been all the while. But I am (a bit more) pleased to report that she has been taking blended porridge which she then progressed to half blended porridge and now to only blending the vege and meat porridge after much cajoling from the helper and a big thank you to the tablet which is her everyday companion during milk feeding and meal time, without which she and I, would not have survived the food strike. Thank goodness for technology. It is not the most ideal situation but when you are at wits' end and you are in my shoes, anything to make her eat is a lifesaver. She still needs spoon feeding when it comes to drinking milk. Sweet Sophie has never, and will not drink milk from the bottle.
Weight wise, she is pretty chubby and tall for her age :)
She knows number 1 through 10 and can identify colours. She is picking up things very fast and making short sentences of her own. Can't wait for the next challenge: potty training!