Monday 22 October 2012

Will it be mei-mei or di-di?

I should have written this post earlier but I didn't want to jinx it, moreover there was a blood clot  in the uterus and some spotting so I didn't want to get my hopes up too high. But I'm happy to say that little bub is fine, I am 11+ weeks preggers and at the last ultrasound she was actually moving about. Super cute! I don't know little bub's gender yet, but for now I'll just refer to it as "her/she" *fingers crossed*. I have always wanted a mini me so let's hope it's a girl. When I asked Josiah if he wanted mei-mei or di-di his answer is always "di-di!" with a big grin on his face. Although I am not sure if he fully understands it. As with the first pregnancy, I have really bad nausea (I don't want to use the word morning sickness because it happens anytime of the day and sometimes the whole day.) I am on Veloxin again, even though I thought I could avoid taking that this time. It's harmless to the baby according to the gynae but still, if medication can be avoided the better, right? I am also on the hormone pills Duphaston which is quite costly. The gynae reckons that I take it due to the earlier clotting which has disappeared but he wants me to continue until the placenta is fully formed. This is the culprit which worsens the nausea! Ah well, to my unborn child when you read this later on do know that I love you so much even while you are inside me and I will weather through the nausea even if it lasts the entire duration of the pregnancy as long as you are healthy and safe. 
Also, thanks to Daddy I am now resting at home since the nausea makes me so sick I can hardly concentrate on work. I resigned from Zico on 11/9/12 after almost 4 years there. There were lots of good times there which I will miss. But for the sake of my babies, I do not want to stress myself at this point. I will work for Daddy (when I feel better) so that the hours are flexible and I can spend more quality time with the babies...and Daddy of course :)

Bye-bye choot-choot

Josiah finally weaned off his pacifier shortly after turning 2! It happened so naturally and much easier than I thought. He actually bit off the pacifier even though I warned him against doing so as this would mean no more pacifier for him. Since the pacifier was broken, he had to sleep without it. He knew fully well that it was his own fault and nobody to be blamed for this. So, he actually cried a bit the first 2 nights. After that, he never asked for it anymore. Yay! (PS: Daddy actually wanted to give in and let him have the extra pacifier that we keep just in case one was missing. But I put my foot down and was adamant that my boy would be able to handle it and he proved me right! That's my boy! I am so proud of him :)
Josiah's teeth are also growing and he has 16 now. I have tried but with no success to get him to brush his teeth at night. I bought him a nice toothbrush but he refuses to let anyone hold it to brush his teeth. So what I have been doing is taking a wash cloth to wipe his teeth every night, most of the time with a bit of kodomo lion toothpaste to keep his teeth nice and white. The floss comes in handy too whenever there is any morsel of food stuck between his teeth. Oh, he still refuses rice and anything that requires some chewing preferring to stick to his porridge. This is something that I have to work on.
He is also able to form short sentences now. He may not be able to pronounce accurately each and every word but we understand him (most of the time anyway). It is just super cute to hear him speak. For example, he pronounces crocodile as "kro-KOU-dile" with emphasis on the second syllable. So cute!! He enjoys the bedtime stories that I read to him. Last night, he made me read 5 books to him. *faints*