Thursday 15 May 2014

To infinity and beyond

My darling Josiah, do you know how much joy you have brought into my life? I was just asking darling husband if he remembers life before Josiah, and honestly we can't. The things you do and say always cracks us up. Especially when you speak like a grown up. It's amazing what little kids pick up from adults and that is why it is so important that we set a good example for our children. They are an extension of ourselves.
Josiah is 3+ now but his understanding surpasses that of children his age. Or maybe I'm just bias. Be that as it may, we really enjoy his company. He is sociable and is able to interact with people across all ages. I am really proud of him. I hope Sophie follows his footsteps.
Oh and this is worthy of putting down in writing. Every night he tells me "I love you Mama, so much, to infinity and beyond times infinity and beyond times infinity and beyond..(and it goes on)."
Love you to infinity and back my Josiah!

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