Thursday 28 June 2012


Josiah is quite prone to diarrhea. He will have diarrhea at least once a month. Usually it is mild and a sachet of Smecta does the job. However, last weekend he had diarrhea but this time it was quite serious. He was passing watery stools up to 5 times a day. This also caused rashes on his penis, testicles and anus. He was touching his penis and screaming 'pain, pain, pain' and crying. Even 4 sachets of  Smecta did not stop the diarrhea. As it was a Sunday, the paediatrician clinic was closed, so I could only bring him to see the doctor on Monday.
The doctor was not sure what caused the diarrhea but she prescribed Charcoal capsules, probiotic and some zinc cream for the rashes and told me to continue giving him Smecta. She was hesitant to give antibiotics at this stage and told me to monitor him for another 2 days. Today is the 3rd day and he seems to be doing better. His stools are no more runny. It is a nice texture, although he still passes motion 2-3 times a day.
I'm keeping my fingers (and toes) crossed that he will be completely healed of his diarrhea today as the medication given by the doctor has finished.
On another note, grandma (Tai-por to Josiah) and aunty Esther (kem-phua) have been taking of Josiah since the beginning of the month. He is adapting well to the new environment, but still cries every morning when I send him over. He now naps only once day for a maximum of 2 hours and sleeps by 10pm which gives me time to do other things after he is asleep.
I can also see a little bit of his molar on the top left side of his gums. His teeth are slowly but surely coming one by one!

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